• ​EZ Trade Signs’ cut-outs are not cardboard. They are constructed of durable, vinyl-coated 3/16” or ½” foam core.
  • Our cut-outs are available in various sizes from 1-ft. to 8-ft. tall.
  • Our cut-outs can also in ordered in 4mm coroplast material which is foldable and water-resistant.
  • All EZ Trade cut-outs can be optioned with self-supporting easels attached to the back.
  • Metal spider feet are also available to provide extra stability in high traffic situations such as trade shows and makes the cut out stand straight up (only available in ½ foamcore) 
  • Subject photos include best friends, selfies, family members, bride and grooms, graduating students, birthday celebrants, athletes, etc.
  • Custom cut-outs are printed in photo-realistic high-resolution to appear extremely life like.
Send us your clients image with cut-line on separate layer – please insure cut-lines are smooth and not intricate as small detail will not work 
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SizeQuantity FromQuantity ToPrice
1’ Tall11Log in
24Log in
5100Log in
2’ Tall11Log in
24Log in
5100Log in
3’ Tall11Log in
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